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Foam Foot Impression Kit

If you can't scan your feet, no problem! We have an alternative. Ask for our free foam foot impression kit. Orthotists have used foam impressions for years, so it’ll give us the data we need for your custom insoles. After you complete your order, we'll ship the impression box to you. Follow the instructions in the video below.

Tips for Using Your Impression Kit

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the mailing bag and take out the impression box
  2. Place the box on a hard floor
  3. Open one side of the box to expose the foam
  4. Hold onto a stable surface
  5. Press your heel down to the bottom of the foam first
  6. Press the rest of your foot into the foam
  7. Gently lift your foot straight up
  8. Close that lid, and open the other lid
  9. Repeat the process with your other foot
After completing both feet, fill out the information form, put it in the impression box, and close the box. Seal the box inside the return mailing bag provided. Place the prepaid mailing sticker on the outside of the bag, and drop it off at the nearest FedEx.

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