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4 Medical Alternatives to Shoe Insoles

4 Medical Alternatives to Shoe Insoles

Injections, Surgery, Physical Therapy, and Medications Are Costly and Time-Consuming.



You know that a custom insole—crafted just for your foot—can give you great results, fixing the causes of certain problems, such as bunions, hammer toes, plantar fasciitis, and other issues. 


But what are the alternatives to foot orthotics or insoles? Let’s look at 4 other solutions that some people try, along with their time and money costs. See if any of these appeal to you.


1. Injections

When some people develop foot pain, they visit their doctor right away. That’s wise enough. They’re trying to get to the root of the problem fast.


Some doctors may recommend a foot injection to reduce the pain. Here are some facts about these corticosteroid injections: 


  • Each session costs about $1,500–$2,000. 
  • Injections work for a couple of months and then wear off.
  • They mask the symptoms of the problem. 


The problem is that a steroid injection doesn’t fix the issues leading to the chronic condition, such as the shape of the foot, the position of the bones, or the habitual way you walk. So the pain comes back. 


In contrast, orthotic insoles help keep the feet in a healthier position with each step you take. They can help to reduce your specific causes of pain. They’re a less costly alternative to injections—and may even help address the causes of pain.



2. Surgical Operations

There are several surgical options for altering the foot, which your doctor may recommend, including: 


  • Tendon Release: Cutting a tendon to increase the range of motion in an area of the foot.
  • Bunion Shaving: Removing a buildup of tissue in an area of the foot.
  • Hammer Toe Release: Cutting a tendon specifically to treat a hammer toe.
  • Hammer Toe Pin: Inserting a metal pin into a hammer toe to keep it straight.


Surgical options can cost thousands of dollars. Plus, you may have to pay a 20% copay for each visit, along with meeting your insurance deductible. 


And even after surgery, problems may persist, caused by the shape of the foot, walking style, work environment, profession, shoe type, and other factors. 


Surgery doesn’t solve many of those issues, whereas custom shoe insoles can help to correct problems at the source.




3. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be a great solution for patients experiencing foot pain. Therapists identify the cause and help patients through a series of guided movements and exercises. 


Physical therapists may advise patients to use orthotic shoe inserts in combination with regular therapy appointments—an effective treatment plan. 


However, not everyone wants or needs physical therapy. Appointments are demanding. You might need to: 


  • Request time off of work
  • Drive to a physical therapist
  • Spend an hour performing exercises
  • Drive back to work
  • Repeat this a number of times to finish a course of treatment over several weeks


If your particular issue could be corrected with a pair of orthotic insoles, you’ll be able to save some time and money by avoiding these extra trips.


4. Medications

A common temporary treatment—which can be extremely necessary—is medication. It can give you immediate relief and help you get through your days. Medications include: 


  • Pain Medication: Drugs that reduce the sensation of pain
  • Anti-inflammatory Drugs: Pills that reduce swelling in the affected area
  • Muscle Relaxers: Stop tension or painful spasms


You’ll pay the copay to visit your doctor, then pay your share of the cost of each specialized medication. Remember, medications mask the symptoms of the issue. They don’t cure it.


5. Time Off

We’ll throw in one more idea for free. You could simply take time off from work. Resting might help relieve your foot pain.


On the other hand, you might have to take time off if you get surgery, injections, or physical therapy. 


All these alternatives to insoles take time. Even going to the doctor for a medication prescription takes time. 



Getting Insoles from Home

Without leaving your favorite chair or couch, you can place an order for your custom shoe insoles. Our technology allows you to scan your own foot, then sit back and receive your insoles in the mail.


Instead of just reducing symptoms, Sole Dynamix insoles are designed to actually change the alignment of the bones, muscles, and tendons in your feet. They support and guide your feet with every step. 


Plus, you don’t need any surgery or injections, and insoles are very inexpensive compared to those alternatives.


You might stand up when you work, enjoy running or hiking, or have other foot stresses. Our insoles will be customized for your situation.


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