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A Grandma’s Solution for Age-Related Foot Pain

A Grandma’s Solution for Age-Related Foot Pain

Mobility is a key to longevity. But what can you do when movement is painful?



Jane was struggling with arthritis pain in her feet and knees, along with diabetes, which were making her daily activities painful. She had a lot of trouble getting around, and she wanted to spend quality time with her grandkids!


She had tried getting foot orthotics before, but she never got comfortable in them. They were always hard to get used to. Plus, she had to make appointments and go to a clinic to get them. 


Then she started reading about a custom solution online that could be delivered at home. Once she put them in her shoes and got used to them, she was amazed at how much they helped her keep up with her grandkids.


Her foot pain grew milder, and her hips and back felt better. She noticed she even had less knee pain. 


Of course, the pain of arthritis couldn’t just disappear. She still manages it. But her comfort level has increased so she can enjoy her grandchildren—and her life in general! 


She told us in her Google review she’s very happy with her decision. 


The Foundation of Health for Senior Citizens

As we age, our feet change. The foot’s 29 muscles and ligaments gradually lose their strength and ability to hold the 26 bones in their original alignment.


These changes put our feet at risk for acute pain, general discomfort, and mobility limitations. They may stop us from being able to do what we used to enjoy and take for granted.


Mobility is a major part of longevity. We need it for our independence and for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When pain limits the amount of time we stand or walk per day, our health and well-being can suffer. We exercise less and are less excited to practice hobbies, travel, socialize, and more.


But what are you given most often for mobility and foot pain relief? Pain medications. The problem: They only help manage discomfort without actually improving the function of the foot or giving a solution to misaligned muscles and bones. You need more, as grandmother Jane discovered.



What Foot Problems Are Common for Seniors? 

Throughout our adult lives, we can experience common foot conditions, but senior citizens are more at risk than younger adults.


Painful Foot Conditions

Aging increase the likelihood of: 


  • Plantar Fasciitis: Pain and damage to the sole of the foot
  • Heel Spurs: Painful bone growths inside the heel
  • Metatarsalgia: Pain and damage in the ball of the foot
  • Bunions: Growths on the side of the foot near the big toe
  • Hammer Toes: A toe deformity that develops gradually
  • Arthritis: Painful swelling in the joints


These and other conditions can slow us down, restricting or even stopping our favorite activities—which in turn can lead to more health issues as we exercise less and we tend to build sedentary habits.


Unstable Feet and Ankles

Our muscles naturally get weaker as we age. In fact, adults lose around 3–8% of our muscle mass per decade after age 30. Muscles and joints also lose flexibility. 


These changes make us walk differently, or change our gait, which can contribute to:


  • Loss of balance
  • Slower walking speed
  • Shorter step length
  • Unstable posture
  • More difficulty adapting to changing environments


Instability in walking can lead to rolled ankles, falls, and other injuries.


Foot Deformities

Ligaments, the connectors between bones, help maintain the shape of our feet. But these ligaments stretch and weaken as we age. This can lead to: 


  • Flatter and wider feet
  • Conditions like bunions and hammertoes
  • Alignment problems that affect the ankles, knees, hips, and lower back


Relieve More Than Your Foot Pain

Many times, pain in other areas—such as the back or knees—can be traced to the feet. If a person develops poor alignment in their feet, this affects the alignment of the ankles, knees, hips, and back as they try to compensate for this change.


As Jane learned, therapeutic insoles can lead to improvements throughout the body. The feet are literally the foundation of the alignment which the rest of the body is built on. 


Imagine if your own feet were to stop hurting. Or even if pain was reduced by 50% or more. What would you do differently? We’ve seen patients who travel more, go jogging, go out and enjoy working in their gardens, walk their dogs more, take longer work shifts, and much more. 


Custom insoles that are expertly designed for your foot condition, foot size, weight, and lifestyle can give you: 


  • Pain Relief: Correct the alignment of bones, muscles, ankles, heels, and much more, which relieves stresses that cause pain. A semi-flexible arch redistributes your weight across your foot, taking pressure off of the most sensitive areas.
  • Better Balance: Improves foot movements and walking patterns, which contributes to better stability on your feet. This can directly lower your risk of injury!
  • More Mobility: Pain relief and better balance gives you more confidence and freedom in your movements, leading to getting more active and independent.
  • Prevention: Helps stop foot deformities from developing more, and helps prevent painful injuries, such as falls and sprains. 




An Investment in Preventing Injuries and Relieving Pain

We see custom insoles as an investment for seniors. For one fee, you get something like insurance for the future—which can help you with problems right away too. 


The “insurance” part is that custom insoles help you avoid injuries through better balance and ankle-foot alignment. 


They may also save you money by helping you avoid invasive treatments like foot injections and plantar fascia surgery. 


Plus, custom insoles actually realign the structure of your feet to relieve pain as you use them. This helps you walk and move more often, leading to more exercise, endorphins, excitement, socializing, and much more. 


Imagine playing with your grandkids with less knee pain. Or tending your garden or riding a train or plane with less back pain. Get more mobility and vitality as custom insoles realign the foundation of your health—your feet.




Free Online Results

Empower yourself to have greater independence as you age. The more active you are, the better lifespan and healthspan you can have. 


And it’s never too late to get started! Use our free 60-second foot assessment, and we’ll show you a custom insole model that’s right for you. 


There’s no obligation to buy, and we don’t use your personal information until you decide to place an order. You have control and can empty your cart at any time. 


So start prioritizing your foot health. You can get pain relief and confidence like Jane did. Just click the button below.

Click for Your Free Assessment